
illusted by tsukiusagi

"Okuninushi" means master of big country.
"mikoto" is a title of honor.

Okuninushi was very handsam man, and he was very gentle.
He loves animals.

One day he saw a crying rabbit.
This rabbit was peeled his skin by many sharks.

Okuninushi taught the rabbit,
"Wash your body in the river, and lie down on the heads of cattails."
The rabbit did so, his skin was healed.

Rabbit thanked to him very much.
And so the rabbit became a guardian of Okuninushi.

Ancient Japanese noble men had many wives.

Okuninushi was loved by many beautiful ladies.
And he had so many wives.

His first wife "Suseri" was jealous and crying everyday.
Okuninushi felt sad to see Suseri crying.

And after that he loved only Suseri.
Okuninushi and Suseri have lived so happy since then.
And till now.

Because gods never die.

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